The Now Generation Ministries

Christ in you the hope in glory

Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand

Matthew 3:2



Declaration 1: I affirm that I possess the mind of Christ. With this mindset, I am capable of achieving all things, as nothing is insurmountable for me. Just as Christ is, so am I in this world.

Declaration 2: I affirm that I am progressing forward rather than backward. I am experiencing growth rather than decline. I am positioned as the head and not the tail, above and not beneath, first and not last. I am a catalyst for change in the world, not merely an observer. I am blessed, anointed, appointed, called, and chosen. With God on my side, no one or nothing can stand against me. Goodness and mercy will accompany me throughout my life. Glory to God, and hallelujah!

Declaration 3: It is written that God is the one who justifies me. I am fully forgiven and made righteous in His sight. I choose to reject any feelings of condemnation and dismiss every indication of negativity that I may encounter in my circumstances.

Hello, World!