The Now Generation Ministries

Christ in you the hope in glory

Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand

Matthew 3:2

Loosing Invisible Cords

  1. Marine agents assigned against my life oh God command them to go deeper into their waters and never arise in Jesus name .

  2. Witches in disguised hiding in the church oh Lord command your judgements to speak against them forevermore without a remedy in Jesus name .

  3. Evil arrows fired into my life ,gather together and release your full strength against your sender in Jesus name .

  4. You spirit of satan operating against my life ,my ministry ,my call and my favour oh God arise and strike you with sudden heart attack and lead you away to the pit  in Jesus name .

  5. Satanic agent masquerade against my life ,be instantly lead away into divine captivity in Jesus name .

  6. Word curses ,enchantments,evil utterances ,evil imagination ,evil plots and plans warfaring against my destiny back fire by fire in Jesus name amen

  7. Lord Jesus thank you for the victory and all you have done ,amen

Hello, World!