The Now Generation Ministries

Christ in you the hope in glory

Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand

Matthew 3:2

Don't let satan harass you again .

Never ever again let satan harass you in no area of life ,be it spiritually ,be it financially be it what ever.We as believers have the name of Jesus .That name  brings more torment to the kingdom of darkness than the kingdom of darkness could ever bring against us but (Hosea 4:6) says my people perish for the lack of knowledge,that's why we always should be in persist of knowing beyond that we presently know.

Now as we look at Mark 3:25 ,Jesus gave us a very powerful key to use during spiritual warfare.According to the structure of the kingdom of darkness in Ephesians 6,when you pray daily, pray that God will divide the powers of the kingdom of darkness, turn them against each other so they cannot successfully cary out their assignments here on earth and against you your families ,loved ones etc.

In the bible story about,the tower of babel we can see a powerful weapon in spiritual warfare.That weapon God used was  DIVISION and satan counterfeits what God does.God saw that they were working in untinity building higher and he came down and DIVIDED them so they weren't able to successfully complete their assignment in building the tower of babel.

Satan laughs because he believes there in no unity in the body of Christ that's how he successfully attacks us.So When you pray daily,remember to pray division into the enemies camp because Jesus the same yesterday today and for ever ,I pray the Lord will open your eyes that you will see and your ears that you will hear and understand what the Spirit of the Lord is saying through this post.. 

Shalom and love

Hello, World!