2020-2021 End of year blessings.
My brothers and sister as it comes to the end of the year I urge you all to prepare a special end of the year and into the new year seed for the Lord. Many of you have seen the word of the Lord manifested in 2020 but there is still way more for you to obtain.
I believe in the thousandfold blessings but be lead by the Spirit of God. the truth is we can’t out-give Jesus, it was never possible and will never be possible to out give the Lord.
Deuteronomy 1:11 states
May the LORD, the God of your fathers, increase you a thousand-fold more than you are and bless you, just as He has promised you!
Notice the number 1000 is in that verse. The number 1000 means fullness shalom means also fullness nothing needing, nothing missing, nothing broken.
Psalm 50:9-10
I will take no bullock out of thy house, nor he goats out of thy folds.
10 For every beast of the forest is mine and the cattle upon a thousand hills.
We can see in Psalm 50 the Lord is declaring the fullness of everything that belongs to him he’s the God of fullness and total restoration.
Psalm 24:1 states
The earth is the Lord's, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.
Again psalm 24:1 shows us clearly that everything belongs to Jesus he’s the God of fullness and totality.
Many around the world understand the importance of giving at the end of the year to welcome in the new year this is why many businesses increase and multiply because they understand biblical principles of giving. Why is it that often those in the world apply biblical principles and increase thousands of fold and many in the church apply the same principles and don’t increase?
Though the man in the world applies biblical principles in lack of knowledge they believe in what they are doing, they have faith in what they believe how much more should we believe in our Heavenly Father who desires to give us the kingdom ??
I challenge every person who will give this day to have faith in what you are doing and not do it as a ritual but believing that the same Jesus who multiplied the fishes and the loaves will increase you 1000 fold.
The question is DO YOU BELIEVE??
When Jesus turned water into wine at Cana he saved the best for last or at the end.
(John 2:1-11)
God bless you indeed as you give and may your sincere giving touch the heart of God because it was done sincerely and may you see the promises in the word of God manifest in every area of your lives.
God bless you all sincerely
And I look forward to praying over your seed.
Kind regards
Brother Pablo