The Now Generation Ministries

Christ in you the hope in glory

Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand

Matthew 3:2


ABBA Father in the name of Jesus I come humbly before the throne of mercy and grace asking for a divorce from witches ,wizards warlocks ,false prophets ,and false Christians.Lord I divorce (Persons Names )the witchcraft powers they possess ,all altars caldrons ,charms ,power bases ,effigies all seeing eyes ,covens ,power bases ,astral altars ,covenants and covenanted curses .I renounce all ungodly unholy,unrighteousness toxic demonic ,initiating ,bewitching soulties with (Persons Names) I renounce all covenants and covenanted curses ,all soul ties ,transferring of spirits ,initiations and I also renounce all binding curses ,bind spells binding covenants binding me to them as one and I ask Father that all soul ties will be permanently cut off and removed from my life in the spirit and physical realm in Jesus name ,amen.

Hello, World!