The Now Generation Ministries

Christ in you the hope in glory

Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand

Matthew 3:2


Father God,  I thank you for saving me from destruction.  I praise you for sending Jesus to die for my sins.  Please forgive me for my sins against you.  Specifically, I confess that I am struggling with unforgivness,bitterness hatred ,anger ,rebellion, resentment pride,witchcraft ,sorcery and divination.I repent of that sin and renounce it now.   Lord, please purify my heart from this sin, the memory of it and any associated fantasy I have entertained in my mind regarding it.   In the name of Jesus Christ and by the power of his blood shed on the cross, I cut myself free from any and all spiritual marriages,ungodly unholy ,toxic , demonic , initiating bewitching satanic , ministerial soul ties that may have been established with  persons on social media,family members ,friends ,work colleagues,sexual partners ,in the church with principalities and powers ,rulers of darkness wicked spirits in high places,queen of the coast jezebel spirit leviathan ,witches wizards , warlocks sorcerers , diviner’s,psychics,astrologers , stargazers monthly prognosticators,those who are demon possessed ,those whom come into contact with me , saccubus and incubus marine agents ,marine spirits ,fallen angels queen of the coast ,queen of haven ,false prophets ,on social media ,via email ,on what’s app periscope ,Facebook ,in the dreams and sleep I commit him/her/them to the care of Jesus Christ for him to do with as he wills.  Satan, I rebuke you in all your works and ways.  I rebuke any evil spirits that have a foothold in me.  In the name of Jesus, I command you evil spirits to leave me and go directly to Jesus Christ.   Father, please heal my soul of any wounds resulting from these soul ties.  Please reintegrate any part of me that may have been detained through this/these soul ties and restore me to wholeness.  I also ask that you will reintegrate any part of the person(s) I sinned with that has been detained in me, and restore them to wholeness.  Thank you, Lord, for your healing power and your perfect love for me.  May I glorify you with my life from this point forward.  In Jesus’  name, Amen.”

Hello, World!